Langue des Signes Française (LSF)
American Sign Language (ASL)

Ca - Cg

Ch - Cm

Cn - Cr

Cs - Cz

à cause de / because of
au centre / in the center
C, c / C, c
c’est là / there, here
c’est un / it’s a…
ça / it, that, this
ça ne va pa la tête? / are you crazy? (out of mind)
ca ne va pas? / What’s wrong?
ça va / fine
ça va? / how are you (1)?
ça! (c’est) / it is! ,That’s it!
cabane / hut
cabinet de ville / private practice
câble / cable
câbleur / cableman
caca / poop
cacher / to hide
cachet / stamp (1)
cadavre / dead body
cadeau / present (gift)
cadet (le plus jeune) / youngest
cadre / frame
café / coffee
café expresso / expresso coffee
cafétéria / cafeteria
cage / cage
cage thoracique / rib cage
cahier / notebook (1)
cahier de devoirs / homework notebook
cahier de textes / textbook
caillou / pebble
caisse / cash register
caissier de banque / bank teller
caissière / cashier
calamar / squid
calcul / calculation
calculatrice / calculator
calculer / to calculate
calé / be clever with
caleçon / boxer shorts
calendrier, planning / calendar, schedule
câlin (faire un…) / cuddly, affectionate
calmant / calming
calme / calm
calmer / to calm
calomnie / slander
camarade / friend; colleague
cambrioler / to burglarize
caméra / camera (video)
Cameroun / Cameroon
caméscope / camcorder
camion / truck
camion de déménagement / moving van
camionnette / small van
camisole de force / straitjacket
campagne / countryside, campaign
camper / to camp
camping / camping
Canada / Canada
canapé / couch
canapé-lit / convertible sofa/bed
canard / duck
Cancer (astrologie) / Cancer (zodiac sign)
cancre / dunce
candidat / candidate
candidature / application, candidacy*
canif / pocket knife
canne / cane
canoë / canoe
canon / cannon
cantine / cafeteria
capacité / capacity
capitaine / captain
capitale / capital
capricieux / capricious
capricorne / capricorn
capturer / to catch (1)
capuche / hood
car / because
caractère / character, characteristic
caractère dur / stubborn character
caractére opposant / adversarial
caractéristique / characteristic, feature
carafe / carafe
carambolage / pile up (accident)
caravane / caravan
cardinal / cardinal
cardiologue / cardiologist
caresse / caress
caresser / to caress
carie / cavity
carnaval / carnival
carnet / notebook (2)
carnet de notes / report card
carnet de sante / child health record booklet
carnivore / carnivore
carotte / carrot
carré / square
carreaux / tiles
carrefour / intersection
carrelage / tiling
carrelette / tile cutter
carrière (parcours) / career path
carrossier / coachwork (of car)
cartable / schoolbag
cartes / cards
cartes (jouer aux) / cards (to play)
carton / cardboard
cas (au…ou; en…de) / in case
cascade / waterfall
case / box (2)
casier à bouteilles / bottle rack
casque / helmet
casquette / cap
casse-croûte / snack
casser / to break
casserole / saucepan
cassette vidéo / video cassette
castor / beaver
catalogue / catalog
catastrophe / disaster
cathédrale / cathedral
catholique / catholic
cauchemar / nightmare
cavalier / horseman
cave / cellar
caverne / cave, cavern
cd / cd
ce / this
ceci / this
céder / to give away
ceinture / belt, waistband
cela / that, this
célèbre / famous
célibitaire / single
celle-là / that one
cellulite / cellulite
celui-là, celle-là / this one
cendre / ash, ashes
cendrier / ashtray
censeur / supervisor, censor
cent / one hundred
centaine / about a hundred
centigramme / centigram
centilitre / centiliter
centime / cent
centimètre / centimeter
centre / middle
centre / center
centre de Sécurité Sociale / social security office
Centre Georges Pompidou / Pompidou Centre
centre médical / medical center
cercle / circle, ring
cercueil / coffin
céréale / cereal
cerf / deer
cerf-volant / kite
cerise / cherry
cerner / to encircle
cernes / dark circles
certain / certain, some
certains / some (1)
certificat / certificate, certification
cerumen / earwax
cerveau / brain
césarienne / c-section
se cacher / to hide (oneself)
aller à cheval / go by horse
chacun / each one
chacun son tour / please wait your turn
chagrin / grief
chaîne / chain,
chair / flesh
chaise / chair
chalet / cabin
chaleur / heat
chambre / bedroom
chameau / camel (2 humps)
chamois / chamois (type of mountain goat)
champ / field
champagne / champagne
champignon / mushroom
champion / champion
chance / luck
changer / to change
changer d’avis / to change your mind
chant / singing
chanter / to sing
chantier / construction site
chapeau / hat (1)
chapiteau / circus tent
chapitre / chapter
chaque / each
chaque / every
chaque année / every year
chaque fois / every time
char d’assault / tank (assault)
charbon / charcoal, coal
charcuterie / delicatessen
charcutier / pork butcher
charge / burden
charger / To load up with responsibilties
chariot / chariot
chariot / cart
charpente / framework
charrette / wagon
charrue / plow
charte / charter
Chartres / Chartres (city in France)
chasser / to hunt
chasseur / hunter
chat / cat
châtain / chestnut
château / castle
chatouiller / to tickle
chaud / hot
chauffage / heating
chauffer / to heat up
chauffeur / driver
chaussée / roadway
chausser / to put on (shoes)
chaussettes / socks
chaussons / slippers (2)
chaussures / shoes (2)
chauve / bald, bald person
chauve-souris / bat
chavirer / to capsize
chef / boss (1)
chemin / path (1)
cheminée / fireplace, chimney
chemise / shirt
chèque / check
cher / expensive, dear
chercher / to look for
chéri / darling
cheval / horse
chevaucher / to sit astride
cheveux / hair (2)
cheville / ankle
chèvre / goat
chewing-gum / gum (1)
chez / at the home of
chiant / annoying
chien / dog
chier / to take a dump
chiffon / rag
chiffre / number (3)
chignon / bun
Chili / Chile
chimie / chemistry
Chine / China
Chinois / Chinese
chips / potato chips
chirurgie esthétique / cosmetic surgery
chirurgie plastique / plastic surgery
chirurgien / surgeon
choc / collision, shock
chocolat / chocolate
choisir / to choose
choix / choice
Cholet / Cholet (city in France)
chômage / unemployment
chômeur / unemployed person
chope / mug for beer
choquer / to shock
chorégraphie / choregraphy
chose / thing
chou / cabbage
chou-fleur / cauliflower
choucroute / sauerkraut
chouette / owl
Chrétien / Christian
chronomètre / stopwatch
chuchoter / to whisper
chut / shhh
chute / fall
cible / target
cibler / to target
ciboulette / chive
cicatrice / scar
ciel / sky
cierge / alter candle
cigare / cigar
cigarette / cigarette
cigarillo / cigarillo
cils / eyelash
ciment / cement
cimetière / cemetery
cinéma / movie theater
ciniquième / fifth
cinq / five
cinq cents / five hundred
cinq fois / five times
cinquante / fifty
circoncis, circoncision / Circumcise, circumcision
circuit / circuit
circulation sanguine / blood circulation
cirque / circus
ciseaux / scissors
Cité de sciences et de l’industrie / Cité de sciences et de l’industrie (science museum)
citer / to quote
citoyen / citizen
citron / lemon
citrouille / pumpkin
civil / civil
clair, claire / clear, bright
clamer / to proclaim
clamps / clamps
claque / slap (1)
clarinette / clarinet
classe / class
classer / to sort
classeur / binder, file
claustrophobe / claustrophobic
clavicule / clavicle (collar bone)
clavier / keyboard
clé / key
clementine / clementine
clergé / clergy
client / customer
clignotant / flashing, indicator
clignoter / to flicker (a light)
clin d’œil / wink
clochard / homeless person
cloche / bell
clôture / fence
clou / nail
clown / clown
club / club
au contraire / opposite
coccinelle / ladybug
cocher / to check
cochon / pig
coco / coconut (2)
code / code
cœur (par) / by heart (know)
coffre / safety deposit box
cogner / to hit (1)
cohérence / coherence
cohérent / coherent
coiffeur / hair stylist
coin / corner
coincer / to corner
coïncidence / coincidence
coïncider / to coincide
col / collar
colère / anger
coléreux / short-tempered
colis / package (1)
collant / tights
colle / glue
collectionner / to collect
collège / middle school
collègue / colleague
coller / to stick
collier / necklace
colline / hill
colonie de vacances / summer camp
colonne / column
colonne verébrale / spine
combien / how much, how many
comédien / actor
comique / funny (1)
comité / committee
commande / order (2)
commander / to command
comme / like, as*
commencer / to start
commencer / to begin, commence
comment ça va? / how are you (2)
comment? / how?
commerçant / storekeeper
commerce / business, trade
commercial / commercial
commissaire / commissioner
commission / shopping
commission (course) / errand
commission (réunion) / committee meeting
commode / chest of drawers
commun / common
communication / communication
communion, euchariste / communion
communiquer / to communicate
communiste / communist
compagne / companion
compagnon, compagne / partner (romantic)
comparaison / comparison
comparer / to compare
compas / compass
compétent / skillful
compétition / competition (2)
complément / entirely, complement
complet / full
compléter / to complete
compliment / compliment
complimenter / to compliment
compliqué / complicated
compliquer / to complicate
comportement / behavior
compote / compote
compréhension / comprehension
comprendre / to understand
comprendre (ne pas) / to not understand
comprends / understand
compresse / compress
comprimé / pill
comprimer / to compress
compris / included
comptabilité / accounting
Comptabilité et commerce / accounting and sales
comptable / accountant
compter / to count
con / asshole
concentrer (se) / to concentrate
concept / concept
concert / concert
concevoir / to conceive of, imagine
concierge / caretaker, concierge
conclure / to end
conclusion / conclusion
concombre / cucumber
concours / competitive examination
concret / concrete (2)
concubinage / cohabitation
concurrence / competition (1)
condamner / to sentence
condition / condition
condoléance / condolence
conduire / to drive
cône / cone
conférence / conference
confesser / to confess (1)
confession / confession
confiance / confidence
confier à quelqu’un / to confide in someone
confiture / jam
conflit / conflict
confondre / to confuse
confort / comfort
confortable / comfortable
confus / confused
congé / time off
congélateur / freezer
congeler / to freeze (1)
congrès / congress
connaître / to know (1)
connecter / to connect
connu / well known
conseil / advice
conseiller / to advise
conserve / canned food
conserver / to preserve
consigne / instructions
consoler / to console
constater / to verify (1)
constipé / constipated
construction / construction
construire / to build (2)
contact / contact
contacter / to contact
contagieux / contagious
contagion / contagion
contaminer / to contaminate
conte / story (2)
content / glad; happy
conteur / story teller
contexte / context
continent / continent
continuer / to continue
contour / contour, outline
contraire / opposite
contrarier / to upset, to annoy
contrat / contract
contre / against
contrôle / inspection
contrôler / to control
contrôler, diriger / to control
contrôleur / inspector (1)
convaincre / to convince
convalescence / convalescence
converser / to converse
convocation / summons
convulsion / convulsion
copain, copine / friend
Copenhague / Copenhagen
copier / to copy
coq / rooster
coquard / black eye
coquillage / shell
cor / callus
corde / rope
cordon ombilical / umbilical cord
cordonnier / shoemaker
corée / Korea
corne / horn
corniche / cornice
cornichon / pickle
corps / body
corps d’athlète / athlete’s body
corps viril / male body
correcteur liquide / white out
correction / correction
correspondre / to correspond with
corridor / corridor
corriger / to correct
Corse / Corsica
costume / costume
côté (à) / nearby
côte (Anatomie humaine) / rib
Côte d’Ivoire / Ivory Coast
cotisation / subscription (1)
coton / cotton
coton hydrophile / absorbent cotton
coton-tige / q-tip
cou / neck (1)
couche / diaper
coucher / to sleep (2), get in bed
coucou / hey there
coude / elbow
coudre / to sew
couette / comforter, quilt
couillonné / dick (vulgar term)
couler / to sink (1)
couler du béton / to pour concrete
couleurs / colors
couleuvre / garter snake
couloir / hallway
coup / hit
coup de pied (donner) / to kick
coup de poing / punch
coupable / guilty
coupant / sharp
coupe / cup trophy
couper / to cut
couper en morceaux / to cut into pieces
couper la parole / to interrupt (1)
couper les cheveux / to cut hair
couper les ongles / to cut nails
couple / couple, pair
cour / yard
courage / courage
courageux / brave
courant (au) / to be informed
courbatures / aches
courbe audiometrique / audiometric (hearing) curve
courbe de poids / weight curve
courbe de taille / height curve
courber / to bend
courgette / zucchini
courir / to run
couronne / crown
courrier / mail
cours / classes, course
cours élémentaire / elementary class
cours moyen / intermediate class (4th grade)
cours préparatoire / First year of primary school (US equivalent of 1st grade)
course / race
courses / errands
court / short
court (tennis) / court (tennis)
couscous / couscous
cousin(e) / cousin
coussin / cushion
couteau / knife
couteau à cran arrêt / switchblade
couteau à enduire / wall scraper
coûter / to cost
couture / sewing
couvercle / lid
couverts / cutlery
couverture / bed covers
couveuse / incubator
couvre-toi / cover yourself
couvreur / slater roofing, roofer
couvrir / to cover
couvrir un livre / to cover a book
cow-boy / cowboy
crabe / crab
cracher / to spit
craie / chalk
craie blanche / white chalk
craindre / to be afraid of, fear
crampe / cramp
crampes d’estomac / stomach cramps
crampons / cleats
crâne / skull
crâneur / show-off
crapaud / toad
craquer / to break, to crack
cravate / tie (1)
crawl / crawl
crayon / pencil
création / creation
crèche / creche, day nursery
crédit / credit
crédule / naïve (1)
créer / to create
crème / cream
créole / creole
crêpe / crepe
crétin / cretin
creuser / to dig (2)
creux / hollow
crevaison / flat tire
crevasses / crevasses
crevé / flat (1)
crever / to burst (a tire), to get a flat (1)
crevette / shrimp
crier / to shout
crier / to scream
crise cardiaque / heart attack
cristal / crystal
critiquer / to criticize
Croatie / Croatia
croche-pied / to trip a person
crochet / hook
crocodile / crocodile
croire / to believe
croire (ne pas) / to not believe
croiser / to cross (as in to cross paths)
croissance / growth
croissant / croissant
croître / to grow
croix / cross
croquer / to crunch
cross / cross country race
croûte / scab
croûtes de lait / Cradle cap
croûton de pain / croutons
cruche / jug
cruel / cruel (mean)