Langue des Signes Française (LSF)
American Sign Language (ASL)

Ba - Bg

Bh - Bm

Bn - Br

Bs - Bz

B, b / B, b
B. A. C. / high school diploma
B. E. P. / technical school diploma
babillage / babble, chatter
baby-foot / table soccer
baccalaureat / Exam taken to complete High School in France
bacchantes / moustache (2)
bagages / baggage, luggage
bagarre / fight
bague / ring
baigner / to bathe
baignoire / bathtub
bail / lease
bâiller / to yawn
bain / bath
baiser / kiss (3)
bal / dance
baladeur / music player
balai / broom
balance / scale
balancer / to swing
balançoire / swing
balayer / to sweep
balayette / short-handled brush
balcon / balcony
baleine / whale
balle / ball (small)
ballon / ball
balustrade / railing, balustrade
banane / banana
banc / bench
bandage / bandage
bande, bande dessinée / comic book
bandit / bandit, rascal
banlieue / suburb
banque / bank
banquet / banquet
baptême / baptism
bar / pub
bar, pub / bar, pub
barbant / boring (1)
barbe / beard
barbecue / barbeque, barbecue
barbouiller / to smear
baromètre / barometer
barque / small boat
barrage / dam
barreaux (de prison) / prison bars
barrer / to cross out
barrette / barrette, hair slide
barrière / gate, barrier
bas(en) / down
base / base, bottom
basket-ball / basketball
baskets / sneakers
bastille / bastille (fortress)
bataille / battle
bateau / boat
bâtiment / building
bâtir / to build (1)
bâton / baton, stick
batterie / battery (large)
battre / to beat (1)
battu / beaten
bavardage / chatter
bavarder / to chatter
baver / to drool
bavette / bib (2)
bavoir / bib (1)
Bayonne / Bayonne
bazar / mess (2)
beau / beautiful
beau / good looking, beautiful
beau personne/belle personne / beautiful person
beau-fils / son-in-law
beau-frère / brother-in-law
beau-père / step-father
beau-père / father-in-law
beaubourg / father-in-law
beaucoup / a lot, many
beauté / beauty
bébé / baby
bec / beak
bec-de-lièvre / harelip, cleft lip
bêcher / to dig (1)
beige / beige
Belgique / Belgium
bélier / aries
belle / pretty, beautiful
belle-fille / daughter-in-law
belle-mère / step-mother
belle-mère / mother-in-law
belle-sœur / sister-in-law
belle-sœur / step-sister
bénéfice / profit
bénévole / volunteer
béquilles / crutches
bercer / to rock
berger / shepherd
bergerie / sheep pen
Berlin / Berlin
besoin / need
bête / stupid
bête (il est) / (he is) stupid
bêtise / stupidity
béton / concrete (1)
bétonnière / cement mixer
beurre / butter
bienveillant / benevolent, kind
cela / that
bobine / spool
bocal / jar (1)
bocce / bocce (sport)
bœuf / beef, ox
boire / to drink
bois / woods
bois (1) / wood
boisson / a drink
boîte / box (1)
boîte / case
boiter / to limp
bol / bowl
Bolivie / Bolivia
bombarder / to bombard
bombe / bomb
bombe atomique / atomic bomb
bon / good
bon / bon
bon (c’est) / I am good
bonbon / candy
bondir / to jump (1)
bonheur / joy (2)
bonjour / hello; good morning
bonne / maid, servant
bonne année / happy new year
bonnet / hat (2)
bonsoir / good evening
bord / edge
Bordeaux / Bordeaux (city in France)
borgne / blind in one eye
bosse / bump
bossu / hunchbacked
bottes / boots
bouc / billy goat
bouche / mouth
bouche bée / to be speechless
boucher / butcher
boucherie / butcher’s shop
bouchon / traffic jam (1)
bouchon (1) / cork
boucle d’oreille / earring
bouder / to sulk
boue / mud
bougeois / middle class
bouger / to move (1)
bougie / candle
bouillir / to boil
boulanger / baker
boulangerie / bakery
boules / bolt
boulevard / boulevard
boulimique / Bulimic
boulot / work, hard work
bouquet / bouquet
bourrelets / love handles
bourse (1) / stock market
bourse (2) / grant
boussole / compass
bout (au) / end
bouteille / bottle
boutique / store (1)
bouton / pimple
bouton (1) / button (to ring)
boutonner / to button up
boutons / buttons
bowling / bowling, bowl
boxe / boxing
boycott / boycott
bracelet / bracelet
brancard / stretcher
branche / branch
bras / arm
bras télescopique / telescopic arm
bravo / bravo
bref / brief
Brésil / Brazil
Brest / Brest (city in France)
Bretagne / Brittany (region in France)
bretelles / suspenders
Breton / Breton
bricoler / To do DIYs
brillant / shiny, shining
briller / to shine
brique / brick
briquet / lighter
briser / to break (1)
Brive-la-gaillarde / Brive-la-Gaillarde (city in France)
brocante / flea market
broches / brooches, pins
brochette / skewer
brocoli / broccoli
broder / to embroider
bronchite / bronchitis
bronzage / tanning
bronzer / to tan
brosse / brush
brosse à cheveux / hairbrush
brosse à dents / toothbrush
brosse à vêtements / clothes brush
brosser / to brush
brosser (se…les dents) / to brush one’s teeth
brouette / wheelbarrow
brouillard / fog
brouillon / rough draft
bruit / noise
brulé / burnt
brûlé / burnt, burning
brûler / to burn
brun / brown hair
brutal / brutal
Bruxelles / Brussels
bruyant / noisy