Langue des Signes Française (LSF)
American Sign Language (ASL)

Ga - Gg

Gh - Gm

Gn - Gr

Gs - Gz

goal / goalie
golf / golf
gomme / eraser
gonfler / to inflate
gorge / throat
gorge (avoir mal) / to have a sore throat
gorille / gorilla
goudron / tar
gouine / dyke
gourmand / appetite
gourmand, gourmandise / fond of food/eating
goût (avoir bon…) / to have a good taste
goût (avoir mauvais…) / to have a bad taste
goût (sans) / tasteless
gouter (16h) / afternoon tea
goûter, goût / to taste, taste
goutte (medicaments) / drops
gouttière / gutter
gouvernement / government
graine / seed
graisse / grease
grammaire / grammar
gramme / gram
grand / tall
grand / big
grand / large
grand (assez) / old enough
grand (être très) / to be very tall
grand-mère / grandmother
grand-père / grandfather
grandir / to grow (3)
grands-parents / grandparents
gras / greasy
gratter (se) / to scratch yourself
gratuit / free
grave (c’est) / it is serious
graver / to carve
grec / greek
Grece / Greece
greffe (poumon) / lung transplant
greffe de peau / skin graft
grelotter / shiver (1)
grenier / attic
Grenoble / Grenoble
grenouille / frog
grève / strike
gribouiller / to scribble
griffé / claw
griffer (animal) / to scratch (animal)
grignoter / to nibble
grillage (1) / wire fence
grillage (2) / fenced
grille d’entré / grill (door)
grille-pain / toaster
griller / to grill
grimace / funny face; grimace
grimper / to climb (1)
grippe / flu
gris / gray
gronder / to scold
gronder (en enfant) / to scold (child)
gros / fat
groseilles / red currant
grossesse (eviter) / pregnancy
grossier / Rude
grossir / to gain weight
grotte / cave, grotto
groupe / group
grouper / to group
grue / crane
gruyère / Swiss cheese