Langue des Signes Française (LSF)
American Sign Language (ASL)

Ia - Ig

Ih - Im

In - Ir

Is - Iz

inadapté / inappropriate
inattentif / inattentive
inauguration / inauguration
inaugurer / to inaugurate
incendie / fire (1)
incinération / incineration
incinérer / to incinerate
inconnu / unknown
incroyable / incredible
inculper / impeach
Inde / India
indécis (être) / to be hesitant
indépendent / independent
indien d’Amérique / Native American
indifférent / indifferent
indigestion / indigestion
indiscret / inquisitive
indispensable / indispensable
indolore / painless
indulgent / lenient
inexpérimenté (être jeune) / inexperienced (to be young)
infect / foul, disgusting
infection / infection
infection urinaire / urinary infection
infini / infinite (1)
infirmier / nurse
influencer / to influence
information(s) / information
informatique / computer science
informer / to inform
infusion / herbal tea (1)
ingénieur / engineer
inhalation / inhalation
injure / insult
injurier / to insult (1)
injuste (c’est) / unfair, unjust
innocence / innocence
innocent / innocent
inodore / odorless
inondation / flood
inonder / to flood
inquiet / worried
inquieter (s’) / to be worried
inscription / registration
inscrire (s’) / to register (1)
insecte / insect
insectes / insects
insensé / insane
insipide / tasteless (1)
insister / to insist
insolation / heatstroke
insolent / insolent
insomnie, insomniaque / insomniac
inspecter / to inspect
inspecteur / inspector (2)
inspirer / to inspire
installation electrique / electrical installation
installer (s’) / to settle in, move in
institut de beauté (de démaquiller) / beauty parlor
instituteur / primary school teacher
instruire / to instruct
instruit (être) / to be educated
insuffisant / insufficient
insulter / to insult (2)
insupportable / unbearable
integration / integration
intégrer (s’) / to integrate
intellectuel / intellectual
intelligence / intelligence
intelligent / intelligent
interdiction / ban
interdire / to forbid
interdit / forbidden
intéressant / interesting
intéresser / to interest (1)
intérêt (« aucun… ») / no interest
intérêt(s) / interest(s)
intérieur / interior
internat, interne / boarding school, intern
international / international
internet / internet
interphone / intercom
interprète / interpreter
interpréter / to interpret
interrogation / interrogation
interroger / to question
interrompre / to interrupt (2)
interrupteur / switch, power outlet
intervenir / to intervene
intervention chirurgicale / surgical operation
interview / interview
interviewer / to interview
intestins / intestines
intoxication alimentaire / food poisoning
intransigeance / inflexibility
intransigeant / inflexible, uncompromising
intrus / intruder
inutile / useless
invalidité / disability
invasion / invasion
inventer / to invent
invention / invention
inverse / inverse
inverser / to reverse
investir / to invest
invisible / invisible
invitation / invitation
inviter / to invite
Irlande / Ireland
irrégulier / irregular