Langue des Signes Française (LSF)
American Sign Language (ASL)

Aa - Ag

Ah - Am

An - Ar

As - Az

à bientôt / see you soon
à côte de / next to
A,a / A,a
A,B,C…Z / A,B,C…Z
abandonner / to leave, abandon
abandonner / to give up
abcès / abscess
abdomen / abdomen
Abeille / bee
abîmer / to damage
abonnement / subscription
abord (d’) / first of all
aboyer / to bark
abri / shelter
abricot / apricot
absent / absent, missing
absorber / to absorb
abstenir (s’) / to refrain from
académie / academy
académique / academic
accepter / to accept
accessibilité, accès / accessibility, access
Accident / accident
accident / accident (incident)
accident corporel / personal accident
acclamer / to cheer
accompagner / to accompany
accord / agreement
accordéon / accordion
accouchement / childbirth
accoucher / to give birth
accouplement / coupling, mating
accoupler (s’) / to mate
accroupir (s’) / to squat
accueil / welcome (1)
accueillir / to welcome
accuser / to accuse
acharner (s’…sur quelqu’un) / to harass
achat / purchase
acheter / to buy
acide / acid
acquérir / to acquire
acquis / acquired
acteur / actor
actif / active
actions / actions
acupuncteur / acupuncturist
adapter / to adapt (1)
addition / addition
addition (facture) / check, bill
additionner / to add (1)
adhésif / adhesive
adieu / goodbye (1)
adjoint / assistant
administration / administration
admirer / to admire
admission / admission
adolescent / adolescent, teen
adopter / to adopt
adoration / adoration
adorer / to adore
adresse / address
adroit / skillful
adulte / adult
aérer / to get air
aéroport / airport
affaire / business, matter
affaires / business
affaiser / affection
affaisser / to lower
affectif (emotion) / emotional
affection / affection
affiche / poster
afficher / to post
affirmer / to affirm
affoler (s’) / to panic (1)
Affreuse, affreux / awful
Afrique / Africa
Afrique du sud / South Africa
âge / age
agence immobilière / realtor
agenda / diary
agenouiller / to kneel
agir / take action
agneau / lamb
agrafer / to staple
agrafeuse / stapler
agréable / enjoyable
agressif / aggressive
agressivité / aggressiveness
agriculteur / farmer (1)
agriculture / farming, agriculture
à la maison / at home
à la poste / at the post office
à mon avis / in my opinion
Ah bon / oh really
ah bon! / oh I see!
aider / to help
aigle / eagle
aiguille / needle
ail / garlic
aile / wing
ailleurs / elsewhere
aimable / kind, amiable
aime (je t’) / I love you
aimer / to love
aimer / to love (something)
aimer (1) / to like
aimer (ne pas) / to not like, do not like
aîné (le plus vieux) / eldest, oldest
air / air
aisé / comfort
Aix-en-provence / Aix-en-provence
ajouter / to add (2)
ajuster / to adjust
alarme / alarm
album / album
alcool / alcohol
Algérie / Algeria, Algiers
algues / algae, seaweed
allaiter / to breastfeed
Allemagne / Germany
Allemande / German
aller / to go
aller à pied / to go by foot
aller au lit / to go to bed (1)
aller chercher / to fetch
aller en vélo / to go by bike
aller en voiture / to go by car
aller-retour / round trip, two-way trip
allergie / allergy
allonger / to lay
allumer / to light (turn on)
allumette / match (as in fire)
alors / so
Alpes / Alps
alphabet / alphabet
alpinisme / mountaineering
alpiniste / mountain climber
Alsace / Alsace
amande / almond
amant(e) / lover
ambassade / embassy
ambition, ambitieux / ambition, ambitious
ambulance / ambulance
ame / soul
améliorer / to improve
aménagement / developing, planning
aménager / to arrange (1)
amende / fine (monetary penalty)
amener / to bring (2)
amer / bitter
Amérique, Etats-Unis / America, USA
ami / friend
amicale / friendly
amitié / friendship
amnésique / Amnesiac
amour (faire l’) / (to make) love
amour, amoureux / love, in love
ampoule / light bulb
Amsterdam / Amsterdam
amuser (s’) / to amuse
à peu près, environ / around, about
à propos (de) / about
analphabete / illiterate (1)
analyser / to analyze
ananas / pineapple
anchois / anchovy
ancien, ancienne / old, ancient
âne / donkey
anesthesie / anesthetic
ange / angel
Angers / Angers (city in France)
angine / tonsillitis
Anglais / English
angle / angle
angle droit / right angle
Angleterre / England
angoisse / anxiety
animal de compagnie / pet
animal-animeaux / animal-animals
animateur, animatrice / activity leader
animation / animation
animer / to animate
année / year
année dernière / last year
année prochain / next year
anniversaire / birthday
annoncer / to announce
annulation / cancellation
annuler / to cancel
anorak / anorak
anorexique / Anorexic
ans (tous les) / every year
antenne / antenna
anthropologie / anthropology
anthropologue / anthropologist
antiquité / antiquity; antique(n)
anus / anus
anxiété / anxiety
anxieux / anxious
Août / August
apercevoir / to glimpse
apéritif / aperitif
appareil auditif / hearing aid
appareil dentaire / dentures
appareil photo / camera
appartement / apartment
appartenir / to belong
appeler / to call (2)
appeler (s’) / to be called (in reference to name)
appeler le medecin / to call the doctor
appétit (avoir de l’) / to have an appetite
appétit (bon) / enjoy your meal
applaudir / to applaud
appliquer / to apply
apporter / to bring
apporter / to carry
apprécier / to enjoy
apprendre / to learn
approcher / to approach
approfondir / to deepen
approprier / to adapt (2)
appuyer / to press
aprés / after
après-demain / the day after tomorrow
aprés-midi / afternoon
aquarium / aquarium
arabe / arab
Arabe / Arabic
araignée / spider
arbitre / referee
arbitrer (un match) / to referee ( a game)
arbre / tree
arc de triomphe / Triumphal Arch (monument in France)
arc-en-ciel / rainbow
architecte / architect
archiver / to archive
ardoise / slate
arête / fish bone
argent (1) / money
argent (2) / silver
argot / slang
argumenter / to present your arguments
armée / army
armoire / cabinet
arracher / to take down
arranger / to arrange
arrêt de travail / sick leave
arrête! / Stop!
arrêter / to stop (1)
arrêts / stops
arriver / to arrive
arrogant / arrogant
arroser / to water
art / art
artère / artery
artichaut / Artichoke
article / article
articuler / to articulate
artificiel / artificial
artisan / craftsperson
artiste / artist
à l’avenir / future (1)
À tout à l’heure / see you later
ascenseur / elevator
ascension / ascent
Asie / Asia
asperge / asparagus
aspirateur / vacuum
aspirine / aspirin
assassin / killer, murderous
assassiner / to murder
assemblée national / National Assembly (lower house of French parliament)
asseoir (s’) / to sit
assez / enough
assidu / assiduous
assidu / constant, hardworking
assiette / plate
assimiler / to assimilate
assistance / assistance, assistant
assister / to assist
association / association
associé, associée / partner (business associate)
assommer / to knock
assortir / to match
assoupir / to make drowsy
assurance / insurance
asthme / asthma
astrologie / astrology
astronaute / astronaut
astronomie / astronomy
atelier / workshop
Athènes / Athens
atmosphère / atmosphere
atomique / atomic
atomiseur / spray (1)
attacher / to attach
attaquer / to attack
attendre / to wait
attentat / attacking, bombing
attentif / attentive
attention / attention
atterrir / to land
attirer / to attract
attitude / attitude
attraper / to catch (2)
au revoir / goodbye (2)
au-dessous / below (1)
au-dessus / above, over
aubergine / eggplant
aucune / none
augmentation / increase
augmenter / to increase
aujourd’hui / today
ausculter / to examine (1)
aussi / also, so, as
australie / australia
authentique / authentic
autistique / autistic
autobus / bus (1)
autocar / coach, tour bus
automatique / automatic
automne / autumn (fall)
automobile / car
autorisation / Authorization
autoriser / to authorize
autoritaire / authoritarian, bossy
autorité / authority
autoroute / highway
autour / around
autre / another, other
autre côté / other side
autrefois / in the past, formerly
autrement / otherwise
autriche / austria
autruche / ostrich
avalanche / avalanche
avaler / to swallow
avance / advance
avancer / to advance
avant / before
avant-hier / the day before yesterday
avantage / advantage
avare / stingy
avec / with
aventure / adventure
avenue / avenue
avertir / to warn, advise
avertir / to warn
avertissement / warning, notice
aveugle / blind
avion / airplane
aviron / oar
avis / opinion
avis (à mon) / opinion (in my)
avis (changer d’) / to change your mind
avocat / lawyer
avoir / to have
avoir (ne pas) / to not have
avoir besoin / to need (something)
avorter / to have an abortion
avouer / to confess
Avril / April