CAN, indicating ABILITY, POWER: Extend “S” hands forward from the sides, thumb ends up with elbows against sides; bring both hands down with a jerking motion. The sign for “strong” is very similar. The difference lies in the way the hands are moved. For “strength” they are moved somewhat sidewise with a slight circular motion. POWER,STRENGTH: Hold out the fists in front from the sides, elbows at sides; lift the fists toward the right, and throw them over the left with a circular or swinging motion and bring them down;keep them in the same relative position as to distance and direction of motion all the time.(pg 68) STRONG: Hold out the “S” hands to the front from the side; moving them slightly to one side, describe a small arc or circle, making a show of using considerable force. The motion is something like slinging a sledge hammer. The sign for “strong” is somewhat similar to that for “can;” in the latter no circular motion is given to the hands but they are brought straight down.