Langue des Signes Française (LSF)
American Sign Language (ASL)

Aa - Ag

Ah - Am

An - Ar

As - Az

a lot of / plein de…
a lot, many / beaucoup
a million, one million / million
a thousand, one thousand / mille
A,a / A,a
A,B,C…Z / A,B,C…Z
abdomen / abdomen
about / à propos (de)
about / sujet de…(au)
above, on top of / dessus
above, over / au-dessus
abscess / abcès
absent-minded / étourdi
absent-minded (1) / distrait
absent, missing / absent
absolutely! / tout a fait!
absorbent cotton / coton hydrophile
academic / académique
academy / académie
accessibility, access / accessibilité, accès
accident / Accident
accident (incident) / accident
accordion / accordéon
accountant / comptable
accounting / comptabilité
accounting and sales / Comptabilité et commerce
aches / courbatures
acid / acide
acquired / acquis
actions / actions
active / actif
activity leader / animateur, animatrice
actor / comédien
actor / acteur
acupuncturist / acupuncteur
addition / addition
additional (cost), supplementary / supplémentaire
address / adresse
adhesive / adhésif
adhesive tape / ruban adhésif
administration / administration
admission / admission
adolescent, teen / adolescent
adoration / adoration
adult / adulte
advantage / avantage
adventure / aventure
adversarial / caractére opposant
advice / conseil
affection / affection
affection / affaiser
Africa / Afrique
after / aprés
after two weeks, in two weeks / dans deux semaines
after-shave lotion (shave lotion) / lotion après rasage
afternoon / aprés-midi
afternoon tea / gouter (16h)
again / de nouveau, encore
again / encore
against / contre
age / âge
aggressive / agressif
aggressiveness / agressivité
agreement / accord
take action / agir
to abandon, to quit / quitter
to absorb / absorber
to accept / accepter
to accompany / accompagner
to accuse / accuser
to acquire / acquérir
to adapt (1) / adapter
to adapt (2) / approprier
to add (1) / additionner
to add (2) / ajouter
to add little by little / rajouter petit à petit
to adjust / ajuster
to admire / admirer
to adopt / adopter
to adore / adorer
to adore / passionner
to advance / avancer
to advise / conseiller
to affirm / affirmer
to be accurate / précis (être)
to be afraid of, fear / craindre
to have an abortion / avorter
to leave, abandon / abandonner
to not be afraid / peur (ne pas avoir)
to take advantage / prendre au vol
to take advantage of / profiter de
to warn, advise / avertir
analysis / analysis
ancestry / origine (famille)
anchovy / anchois
anesthetic / anesthesie
angel / ange
anger / colère
Angers (city in France) / Angers
angioedema / oedème de quinck
angle / angle
angry / en colère
animal-animals / animal-animeaux
animation / animation
ankle / cheville
announcement / annonce
annoying / chiant
annoying / pénible (“c’est”)
annoying / emmerde (je t’)
anorak / anorak
Anorexic / anorexique
another, other / autre
ant / fourmi
antenna / antenne
anthropologist / anthropologue
anthropology / anthropologie
antiquity; antique(n) / antiquité
ants / fourmi
anus / anus
anxiety / anxiété
anxiety / angoisse
anxious / anxieux
apartment / appartement
aperitif / apéritif
appetite / gourmand
apple / pomme
application, candidacy* / candidature
appointment / rendez-vous
apricot / abricot
apricot / pêche (1)
April / Avril
apron / tablier
aquarium / aquarium
aquarius / verseau (astrologie)
arab / arabe
Arabic / Arabe
archery / tir a l’arc
architect / architecte
are you dreaming, are you joking / rêves (“tu…?”)
are you stupid or what / tu es debile ou quoi?
argument / dispute
aries / bélier
arm / bras
armchair / fauteuil
army / armée
around / autour
around, about / environ
around, about / à peu près, environ
arrogant / arrogant
arrow / flèche
art / art
artery / artère
Artichoke / artichaut
article / article
artificial / artificiel
artificial leg / prothèse (jambe)
artist / artiste
arts and crafts / travaux manuels
to analyze / analyser
to anger / fâcher
to animate / animer
to announce / annoncer
to annoy, to be annoying / embêtes (tu m’)
to answer / répondre
to applaud / applaudir
to apply / appliquer
to approach / approcher
to archive / archiver
to argue (1) / disputer
to arrange / arranger
to arrange (1) / aménager
to arrive / arriver
to articulate / articuler
to have an appetite / appétit (avoir de l’)
to present your arguments / argumenter
ascent / ascension
ash, ashes / cendre
ashtray / cendrier
Asia / Asie
asparagus / asperge
asphalt / bitume
aspirin / aspirine
assessment / bilan
assessment / evaluation
asshole / con
asshole (vulgar term) / enculer quelqu’un
assiduous / assidu
assistance, assistant / assistance
assistant / adjoint
associate’s degree / B.T.S
association / association
asthma / asthme
astounding, great / formidable
astrology / astrologie
astronaut / astronaute
astronomy / astronomie
at home / à la maison
at the post office / à la poste
Athens / Athènes
athlete’s body / corps d’athlète
atmosphere / atmosphère
atomic / atomique
atomic bomb / bombe atomique
attacking, bombing / attentat
attention / attention
attentive / attentif
attic / grenier
attitude / attitude
auction, auction sale / vente aux enchères
audiometric (hearing) curve / courbe audiometrique
August / Août
aunt / tante
aunt (1) / tata
australia / australie
austria / autriche
authentic / authentique
authoritarian, bossy / autoritaire
authority / autorité
Authorization / autorisation
autistic / autistique
automatic / automatique
autumn (fall) / automne
available / disponible
avalanche / avalanche
avenue / avenue
average / moyen (1)
average, passable / moyen
awakening / eveil
awful / Affreuse, affreux
axe / hache
to ask / demander
to assemble / maquette (faire)
to assemble / montage (faire)
to assimilate / assimiler
to assist / assister
to attach / attacher
to attack / attaquer
to attract / attirer
to authorize / autoriser
to avoid / éviter
to be ashamed / honte (avoir)
to be asleep on your feet / sommeil (tomber de)