TO BE, infinitive and imperative: Hold the right “G” hand straight out in front from the side, the “G” up; crook the forefinger and move the hand toward the left side horizontally in front of the body.
Author: Katherine Brown
to hope
HOPE, EXPECT (something looked forward to with desire): Place end of right forefinger on center of forehead; extend left hand out and up at an angle of about 45 degrees, palm up; now bring right hand away from the forehead and place it palm down just above the bend of the elbow; bend the right hand down and at the same time the left up and repeat several times with a kind of beckoning motion. Or move the fingers of both hands in same position as above with a shaking motion like playing the keys of a piano.
to kiss
KISS: Right vertical “A” hand, palm inward, placed against the lips, and then on cheek.
to lose
LOSE: Place finger nails of bent hands together, back to back, so the ends of the fingers point upward; swing the hands down and separate till the fingers come straight.
Posted on Categories Etymology, S
to have to
MUST, NEED, HAVE TO: Crook the finger of the right “G” hand, pointing it downward, and press the hand down some distance with more or less force. Sometimes the motion is repeated several times. MUST, indicating NECESSITY and NEED: Crook the forefinger of the “G” hand, then turn it so the end points down; push the hand downward; the downward motion is often repeated several times.
to descent, go down
DESCEND: Both inverted indices before the body and moved down frontwards to the right.
to believe
BELIEVE: Place the end of the forefinger on the forehead as in “think” (some place it on the lips); then, bringing the left hand up halfway to meet it, bring the hand from the forehead and clasp both in front of you, palms together.
to conceive of, imagine
IMAGINE: Make a sign as in “Idea,” but when finger is drawn away, lift it upward in a continuous circular motion.
to understand
UNDERSTAND: With the right “G” forefinger bent or crooked, bring the back of the nail against the center of the forehead, draw the end of the finger upward and out until it is straight, describing a parabola.