
SIT: Horizontal “I” hands, pam towards palm, and little fingers pointing outward to make bottom of chair; or, both hands prone, right middle and index resting across left middle and index, right tips of middle and index hanging down; or, right prone hand crossed on left prone and pushing it downward. (Chair – “Sit” and sometimes the legs are indicated as in “Table”).

time, hour

TIME: Crook the forefinger of right “G” hand and with the tip end tap the back of the left “S” hand. Or, (2) Upon the palm of the left open hand held edgewise pointing outward, describe a circle with the right “T” hand.


LETTER: Close right hand and extend thumb; wet the palm end of thumb on tongue and then throw it against the open left hand as if sticking on the stamp. (With end of thumb representing a stamp, wet on tongue and stick it on open left hand as on a letter).