O!, OH!: Right vertical “O” hand, palm outward, passed from left to right. (In most places, “Admire” is used for “O!” and “Oh!”).
Author: Katherine Brown
ENEMY: Draw the hands up, the right close to the body, forefinger extended and pointing away from you, and the other hand with forefinger in similar position but opposite and pointing toward the right finger; then draw both hands away, holding them momentarily in a menacing attitude.
OR: Both “A” hands, thumbs upward, moved up and down alternately. (Either) (Whether) (“Neither”: “Not” “Either”) (Which).
WHEN: Hold the forefinger of the left “G” hand pointing upward, palm side toward self; point the forefinger of the right “G” hand at its end; describe a circle with the right forefinger and then touch the end of the left forefinger with the end of the right forefinger.
BECAUSE: Place the end of the forefinger of the right “L” hand at the forehead, above the right eye; draw the hand away to the side, assuming the position of “A,” and then raise the hand on a level with the top of the head. The hand is sometimes given a peculiar twisting motion.
BECAUSE: Place the end of the forefinger of the right “L” hand at the forehead, above the right eye; draw the hand away to the side, assuming the position of “A,” and then raise the hand on a level with the top of the head. The hand is sometimes given a peculiar twisting motion.
AND: Right hand at left side before body, fingers pointing leftward, palm inward, fingers spread as if to catch something; draw hand rightward, tips closing as hand moves along. (Besides) (With) (Moreover) (Also) (Even)
BUT: Both indices of prone hands pointing outward side by side and separated to the sides. (On the contrary) (Although) (However).
FOR: Place the end of the forefinger of the right “G” hand at the right side of the forehead; with a twisting motion to the hand bring it down and, pointing the forefinger straight out, push it forward some distance.
to order, command
COMMAND: Right index pointing leftward and moved below tips as if rolling words from the mouth and then out and down from mouth with force. (Appoint) (Decree) (Sentence) (Order).