MILK: Both hands partially closed, moved up and down and closed as if milking a cow.
Author: Katherine Brown
RAT: Rub the “R” hand upward across the side of the nose, or use both “R” hands in the same way.
CAT: Place the closed “O” hands on the lip, one on either side of the mouth, and with thumbs and forefingers pull imaginary “whiskers.”
MONKEY: Strike the hands against the front of the body, near the side, so the ends of the fingers scratch upward, turning them inward as the hands rise against the body; repeat the scratching motion and at the same time put the end of the tongue between the lower front teeth and the lip, pushing it outward to indicate the shape of the monkey’s chin.
FOX: Vertical right “F” palm leftward grasps tip of nose between index finger and thumb tip and bends leftward as if twisting the nose. (Foxy) (Cunning) (Shrewd) (Sly).
WOLF: Open “&” fingers around the nose, fingers pointing to face, hand drawn from face and changed to closed “&” hand.
BEAR: Cross the arms so the right hand will be near the left elbow and the left hand near the right elbow, as in hugging; draw the arms apart so the fingers of the hands will scratch along the arms as they come apart.
camel (2 humps)
CAMEL: Right supine “C” in front of neck, moved out and up as if under camel’s neck.
LION: Place the bent “5” hand above the forehead, palm side down, and draw it above and over the head toward the back, shaking the hand at the same time.
billy goat
BILLY GOAT: (fs) B-I-L-L-Y, then place the back of the right “V” hand against the chin so the knuckles touch the end of the chin; quickly raise the right hand now and strike the backs of the fingers in the bent “V” against the forehead, then straighten out the fingers, bringing them upward and outward and throwing the hand away from the forehead.