Langue des Signes Française (LSF)
American Sign Language (ASL)


Hello! My name is Guillaume Chastel. I teach ASL and LSF, Deaf culture, Deaf history, ASL literature and other courses at the University of Rochester in New York.

Welcome to the ASL and LSF website! A University of Rochester team brainstormed and developed ideas for an ASL/LSF website. The website’s goal is to allow anyone to explore and learn ASL and LSF.

At the top of the page there are different tabs: Home, Communication, Deaf History, Dictionary, News/Information, and Study Abroad.

If you need the website to be in English, you can click the English tab to access the site in English. You can explore and learn ASL and LSF information. If you need the website to be in French, you can click the French tab to access the site in French. You can explore and learn LSF and ASL information.

If you have any questions or need more information, contact information is at the bottom of the website.

Enjoy yourselves!