PRETTY, BEAUTIFUL: Place the right “5” hand before the face, while the hand describes a small circle, close the fingers and thumb until the hand has assumed the “&” position, when finishing the circle. The fingers move in a larger circle than the wrist, which is kept nearly stationary.
Category: P
POOR: Holding the left arm over against the body in front, grasp the under part of the sleeve with the right hand and pull it down once or twice.
POLICEMAN: Right “C” hand, palm leftward, placed at left shoulder.
to put (1)
PRIEST: Both “F” hands are brought together as at the “Oremus.” (The closed thumb and index fingers of the “F” hand denote consecrated hands and “F” is also the initial of “Father.”)
PENCIL: Right joined index and thumb tip placed to the lips as if moistening the pencil and then writing on the left palm.