Category: D
to disobey
TO DISOBEY (defiance to authority): With elbow at side bend up the arm with the fist on a level with the shoulder; bring the elbow out and give a twist to the fist, slightly turning the head to indicate defiance.
to disappear
TO DISAPPEAR: Place the right “5” hand with the fingers brought slightly together pointing up so the back rests in “C” of the other hand, let the hand slip down through the “C” and as it does so close it till when the right hand is gone the left hand will be making “O”.
to direct
TO DIRECT: Right finger tips and thumb grasp the left finger tips and draw the left hand to the right, palms inward.
devil, demon
DEVIL, DEMON: Place the ends of the thumbs of the “3” hands at side of the head, the forefingers and middle fingers pointing outward; bend and unbend the fingers, indicating the supposed horns of his satanic majesty.
DRY: Right bent index drawn across lips from left to right, palm downward.
DOCTOR: Index tip of right “D” hand on left pulse.
DIFFERENT: “But” with indices oscillating as they are drawn apart.
DELIVER: Both hands closed, palms downward, crossed at the wrists as if manacled and then drawn apart to the sides as if breaking the bonds.