Category: C
classes, course
cup trophy
cellphone, mobile phone
to order, command
COMMAND: Right index pointing leftward and moved below tips as if rolling words from the mouth and then out and down from mouth with force. (Appoint) (Decree) (Sentence) (Order).
CAN: Hold the “S” hands out in front, elbows against sides, and let the hands drop a little way with a jerk.
to conceive of, imagine
IMAGINE: Make a sign as in “Idea,” but when finger is drawn away, lift it upward in a continuous circular motion.
to change
CHANGE: Hold the “A” hands out opposite one another, thumb side up, several inches apart, with a kind of twisting motion; change the position of the hands so the left will come over toward the right and the right under toward the left.
to confess
CONFESS: Place ends of open hands at breast pointing downward, palms in; draw up palms and turn them outward, as if turning the hands wrong side out.