Category: B
BSL (british sign language)

BIRTH, GIVE BIRTH: Both hands on lower trunk of body at side, palms inward, left fingers pointing rightward and right fingers pointing leftward, right palm back of left hand, then both hands turned upward and outward to supine.
to bury

TO BURY: Both prone hands as if on the mound of the grave, fingers pointing along the grave, and hands drawn towards body as if over the length of the grave.

BODY: Open hands, palm inward, placed on upper part of body and then on lower trunk.

BOAT: Both hands horizontal, tips of fingers, lower edges and heels of palm touching to show form of boat, and forward motion as if over the waves.

BAPTISM: Right vertical “W” palm leftward, with index at corner of mouth and then raised over head and tilted as if pouring water on the head.

BROTHER: Sign for ‘man’; then bring both hands together in front of you, the forefingers extended parallel, pointing outward, with the rest of the fingers closed.